Monday, August 31, 2015

The Golden Mean (Ratio)

The golden mean has always been a part of the universe but it's first physical example of it is the Great Pyramids and the Parthenon.

The ratio of the length and width of the Golden rectangle is the Golden Ratio. The exact value of the Golden Mean is 1.6180...  The Golden Ratio is also equal to a/b=(a+b)/a. The Golden Mean is represented within the Fibonacci Sequence. The Fibonacci Sequence is when each term is the sum of the previous two terms. An example of this would be: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13... It is said that the farther the sequence goes, the closer it gets to the Golden Ratio.  If the width of the rectangle is 2, the length would be 1.62. The Golden Mean is also known as phi. The Great Pyramid of Giza, the ratio isn't exactly 1.6180, but it is close so it is still considered to follow the Golden Mean format.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

The Fault in our Expectations

The Fault in our Stars
The movie comes off as a indie film of eloquently-speaking teenagers with cancer that are not exactly relatable to the average teen like myself. I think the reason there is an interest in the film is because these teenagers are different and portray a struggle/storyline that some to most people do not experience. Based on the information given in the trailer, one could most likely make an educated guess that the film will be quirky and and ultimately sad due to the cancer that exists in both of the main characters. Also due to the fact that it is a love story, one could make a stereotypical guess that the two will end up in love.

This clip displays the struggle and maturity of the two characters while also shining light on the eloquence of their conversation.  Hazel is explaining to Augustus why they can no longer date due to her cancer and how it affects her relationships. This clip seems like it is foreshadowing for events to come in their relationship. The overall meaning of the clip is that the two characters will not let their sickness affect their love and attendance in each other's lives.

This meaning is created by the talk that the two have in the clip and the symbolism of her breathing tubes that is a reminder of her sickness. Augustus even has a visual representation of her sickness (breathing tube) and still chooses to love her.